Donut's Daily Daguerreotype

Daguerreotype - (noun) an early photograph using a silvered plate and mercury vapour [named after L. Daguerre, French inventor, 1789-1851]

July 02, 2005

Make Poverty History

---+++Donut's Daily Daguerreotype+++---

I made a small contribution to Oxfam back in January in the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami. All very well. But, what about other parts of the world and what about after January? So, I also make a small monthly contribution. Oxfam inundate me with post, including a free Make Poverty History white wrist band.

Nice fashion statement. But, I'd like to think that beyond that facile level (and I'll include ageing rock stars warbling in the park in that), the campaign has I hope and believe raised awareness. Rasied awareness of poverty, imbalance, unfair trade and the ability that we have to help make a change.

Or, am I naive?


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