North Yorks Moors - 2
The Donut was in (on?) the North Yorkshire Moors over the weekend. Lucky viewer: the one a day Donut snapshot rule goes for a Burton.
The entrance to
Whitby Abbey in the pouring rain. (Tykes too cheap to repair the roof - ho, ho!)
Did I mention the rain?
"It must be really pretty when the sun shines."
"Don't go much on the beds in this hotel."
Cholmley House - probably built with stones from the Abbey, not that I'm casting aspertions on Tykes. There was a rather grim Youth Hostel Association cafe round the back. But, seriously, a well presented exhibition on the history of the Abbey and the manor house by English Heritage.
Robin Hood's Bay. He was a Yorkshireman, y'know.
Spot the Archer.
There's no place like Gnome.
Typical Tykes. Pinched the collection ... er, fish!