Donut's Daily Daguerreotype

Daguerreotype - (noun) an early photograph using a silvered plate and mercury vapour [named after L. Daguerre, French inventor, 1789-1851]

January 23, 2005

Sunday Extra - 1966 and all that

---+++Donut's Double Daily Daguerreotype+++---

A bonus photo today: not taken by me. This is the extended family on my dad's side. The photo was taken in the summer of 1966 - I think the day England beat Argentina in the Quarter-finals of the World Cup - in the garden of my aunt and uncle in Ongar, Essex. The was the last family reunion before my branch emigrated to the US. That's me bottom left, if you were wondering.


At 11:42 am, Blogger 3rd daughter said...

cool photo! no resemblance noted... great photoblog!


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